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Map Resources

Map resources are configurated in the map-config.xml file located in the install folder of application.


Map-config.xml is default configuration file, you can create localized version adding language code to the file name, such as map-config-en.xml, map-config-de.xml etd. Program will try to read localized file according to selected language and if it fails, default file will be read.


Tag Description
PocketDrake mandatory envelope
MapSource definition of the map source, used to create the combo boxu
type type of source
MapyCz ... system of czech server na www.mapy.cz, modified UTM coordinates
Google ... system of maps.google.com, uses SlippyMapTiles, identicals to Open Street Map and many others
name name displayed in the combo box
storage storage method of map tiles (since version 1.4.5)
database - tiles are stored in database (single file)
MapType type of map in single source, creates radiobuttons and checkboxs
mode attribute, defines usage (max. 3 occurences of each type)
basic - map bacground - radiobutton
overlay - overlay, hiking trails etc. ... - checkbox 
name user friendly name
file template for file name
fileExt obsolete
url resource url
{x} ... longitute
{y} ... latitude
{z} ... zoom 
defaultZoom initial zoom for the first map display
minZoom minimal zoom (minimal detail)
maxAvailZoom maximal zoom available on the Internet
maxZoom maximal allowed zoom (maximal detail)

You can create your own configuration file from following blocks.


  1. Copy map-config.xml file to PC a open it using notepad or another plain text editor (not MS Word).
  2. Copy configurations, you want to use.
  3. Be sure, final files starts with <PocketDrake> and ends with </PocketDrake>.

Configuration for www.mapy.cz


    <name>Mapy CZ</name>
    <MapType mode="basic">
    <MapType mode="basic">
    <MapType mode="basic">
    <MapType mode="overlay">
      <name>Turistické trasy</name>
    <MapType mode="overlay">

Configuration for Google Maps

Google Maps

    <name>Google Maps</name>
    <MapType mode="basic">
    <MapType mode="basic">
    <MapType mode="basic">

Configuration for MyTopo (pouze USA)

MyTopo (pouze USA)

    <name>MyTopo (pouze USA)</name>
    <MapType mode="basic">

Configuration for Open Street Maps

Open Street Maps

    <name>Open Street Map</name>
    <MapType mode="basic">

Configuration for Cykloatlas


    <MapType mode="basic">

Configuration for Freemap Slovakia

Freemap Slovakia

    <name>Freemap Slovakia</name>
    <MapType mode="basic">

Configuration for Ovi Nokia


    <name>Ovi Nokia</name>
    <MapType mode="basic">

Configuration for OutdoorActive DE (německé turistické mapy)


    <name>OutdoorActive DE</name>
    <MapType mode="basic">

en/mapy.txt · Last modified: 2013/12/08 20:35 (external edit)